Mark Bezdornov

Java Backend Developer

Node.js Developer

Backend Game Developer

Mark Bezdornov

Java Backend Developer

Node.js Developer

Backend Game Developer


  • Type: Contribution
  • Categories: Web Services

The Leaderboard is a poker match results aggregator with the primary goal of providing users with a unified web portal to access poker match statistics.

My contributions to the development of this application include parsing one of the external services (

  • The development of a Web API (REST API)
  • Server-side logic
  • Database management
  • Code reviews
  • Unit testing
  • Authentication
  • Web Scraping
  • Docker configuration
Java SE 17, Spring (Boot, Data JPA, Validation, Test, Security), JUnit5, AssertJ, Liquibase, Google API Services Sheets, Lombok, Open API (Swagger), PostgreSql, Mapstruct, Jsoup, Docker, Docker Compose
Project Team
Mark Bezdornov (backend), Pilip Liatkouski (backend), Aleksandr (frontend)