Mark Bezdornov

Java Backend Developer

Node.js Developer

Backend Game Developer

Mark Bezdornov

Java Backend Developer

Node.js Developer

Backend Game Developer

Crazy Farm

  • Type: Open Code
  • Categories: Web Game

It’s a simple farm simulator set in original surroundings. The project was developed for web browsers with a mobile-first approach. The goal of the project is to learn the necessary stack for web game development and determine the optimal way for team collaboration.

My contributions to the development of this application include:

  • the development of a REST API
  • WebSocket API
  • server-side logic
  • Creating a project architecture from scratch (ECS)
  • database management
  • unit and integration testing (Jest)
  • authentication (mail, OAuth)
  • Text localization with i18next
Node.js, Heroku, Google OAuth, REST API, WebSocket, Java Script (ES6), MongoDB, Jest, Express, JWT, Open API (Swagger), Logging (winston)
Project Team
Mark Bezdornov (Backend, testing, game design), Pavel Bezdornov (frontend, testing, concept, game design), Ilya Melnichuk (character art of Gartenzius), Anastasia Revina (art, animation), Rufina Dyusheeva (UI/UX), Amirhan Saidov (game design, narrative design), Daniil Strelkov (testing), Zinaida Shiryayeva (translation into English).